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Art and Voices
Summer 2023 | New York
As a demonstration of camaraderie and unity, Civil Art launches a series of exhibitions and events in collaboration with fellow organizations to focus on uplifting artists of underrepresented communities.

In 2023, Civil Art collaborates with The Here and There Collective (API community-based non-profit) to feature 19 prominent API artists at Harper's Gallery. The exhibition features works of API artists whose thought-provoking works break the fetishized and homogenized view of the API identities to introduce a nuanced exposition of the Asian diaspora.

And the Moon Be Still as Bright

And the Moon be Still as Bright, a group exhibition at Harper’s in Chelsea, NY, is a product of Civil Art’s Art and Voices, a collaborative program that demonstrates unity and camaraderie between community- empowering nonprofit organizations. This year, the Art and Voices collaboration is between Civil Art and The Here and There Collective.

Artists & Artworks  
Press Release


Past, Present, Future

Past, Present, Future is a series of educational programming in collaboration between Civil Art, The Here and There Collective, Stilllife, CIDA, and Harper’s. Understanding the importance of education and communication in community empowerment and storytelling, Art and Voices put pedagogical emphasis on reaching diverse demography of audiences.
PAST Panel talk followed by a networking event, emerging young and established artists and art professionals.

PRESENT A walkthrough catered toward young and seasoned artists and art professionals. The walk-through will be an opportunity for our guests to learn about the artworks and curation and for younger art professionals to expand their network and community.

A walkthrough event catered towards youth (elementary - middle/high school). The event is both an art-focused and motivationally stimulating event for the community’s next generation of creatives and thinkers.


Rooftop Party at Harper’s


197kEstimated Views
20+Creative Participants
~13kLikes, Comments, and 
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Our Collaborators

Civil Art is a fiscally sponsored (Player Philanthropy Fund) 501(c)(3) non-profit organization & principal exhibitor. All contributions to Civil Art are tax-deductible to the fullest extent under law.   

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