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“According to myth, people become stars after death. Stars illuminate people’s ordinary days on Earth and represent life beyond. I wish to embrace the fullness and the emptiness of the cosmos and the universe.”


Stars Upon Departure was a fundraising exhibition in collaboration with ELOREA, NYC.
The exhibition was Wanki Min’s first solo exhibition in New York.

Wanki Min's photographs blend celestial and urban landscapes, exploring the interplay between light, space, and human existence. Through experimental photography, he juxtaposes the cosmos with everyday scenes, blurring boundaries of time, scale, and place.

Concerned with possibilities of the afterlife and the eternal, Min’s artistic practice began by investigating astronomy and the time-bending travel of starlight. His techniques merge stargazing and photography, transforming and layering film to meld disparate images. By scratching, drilling holes, pouring alcohol, and burying film in soil, Min points to the chemical and photosensitive characteristics of film while pushing the boundaries of traditional photography.